#+AUTHOR: liuliancao #+TITLE: reveal all example #+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil #+REVEAL_HLEVEL: 2 #+REVEAL_THEME: sky * Hello, Reveal Hello, Reveal! this example mostly from [[https://github.com/yjwen/org-reveal][reveal github]] ** Hello, Again Hello, Again! ** Emacs setting with remote reveal #+begin_src elisp (with-eval-after-load 'org ;; support org-re-reveal for presentaion (require-package 'org-re-reveal) (require 'org-re-reveal) (setq org-re-reveal-root "https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/reveal.js/3.9.2/" org-re-reveal-revealjs-version "3.8") #+end_src * HLEVEL #+begin_src org #+REVEAL_HLEVEL: 2 #+end_src HEVEL表示展示的层级,默认是1,表示每个章节先开始,然后是下面的章节,如果是2, 则表示到第二个层级才开始向右,说白了就是把几级标题当成一个重新开始 * Split #+REVEAL: split i am now i am liuliancao #+REVEAL: split i am now i am liuliancao Split的意思就是一个幻灯片太长了,这个适合可以分成两个篇幅 * Theme [[https://revealjs.com/themes/][revealjs官网主题介绍]] | Name | Effect | |-----------+-------------------------------------------------------| | black | Black background, white text, blue links (default) | | white | White background, black text, blue links | | league | Gray background, white text, blue links | | beige | Beige background, dark text, brown links | | sky | Blue background, thin dark text, blue links | | night | Black background, thick white text, orange links | | serif | Cappuccino background, gray text, brown links | | simple | White background, black text, blue links | | solarized | Cream-colored background, dark green text, blue links | | blood | Dark background, thick white text, red links | | moon | Dark blue background, thick grey text, blue links | 设置主题可以通过#+REVEAL_THEME: sky设置 #+BEGIN_NOTES Hello,大家好! #+END_NOTES * Slide #+REVEAL_TITLE_SLIDE:%t 自定义title标题 * Background ** Colorful background :PROPERTIES: :reveal_background: #321123 :END: ** background with a image :PROPERTIES: :reveal_background: ./images/reveal-background01.jpg :reveal_background_trans: slide :END: ** background with repeat image :PROPERTIES: :reveal_background: ./images/reveal-background01.jpg :reveal_background_size: 200px :reveal_background_repeat: repeat :reveal_background_opacity: 0.2 :END: ** iframe background :PROPERTIES: :reveal_background_iframe: https://hakim.se :reveal_background: rgb(0,0,0) :reveal_background_opacity: 0.8 :END: * Header & Footer #+REVEAL_SLIDE_HEADER: 我是header #+REVEAL_SLIDE_FOOTER: 我是footer * Fragment 段,比如一列一列 支持的动作 ** actions #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag (grow shrink roll-in fade-out appear none) - I will grow. - I will shrink. - I rolled in. - I will fade out. - I will appear. - I don't fragment ** highlight #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag (appear) - I will appear. - I will appear. - I will appear. #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag (highlight-blue) - I will highlight. - I will highlight. - I will highlight. * Auto-Animate ** Heading 1 :PROPERTIES: :REVEAL_EXTRA_ATTR: data-auto-animate :END: #+ATTR_REVEAL: :data_id foo #+begin_src js let index = 1 #+end_src ** Heading 2 :PROPERTIES: :REVEAL_EXTRA_ATTR: data-auto-animate :END: #+ATTR_REVEAL: :data_id foo #+begin_src js let index = 1 let value = 2 #+end_src * Ending Q&A Thank you